History of Palestine Timeline

A comprehensive journey through significant events in the history of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

1897 CE

First Zionist Congress

The First Zionist Congress is held in Basel, Switzerland, promoting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1915-1916 CE

McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

Letters exchanged between British High Commissioner McMahon and Sharif Hussein of Mecca discuss Arab independence in exchange for support against the Ottoman Empire.

1916 CE

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Secret agreement between Britain and France outlining proposed spheres of influence in the Middle East after World War I.

1917 CE

Balfour Declaration

British government issues a statement supporting the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

1920 CE

San Remo Conference

Allied Powers allocate former Ottoman territories, assigning the Mandate for Palestine to Britain.

1922 CE

British Mandate for Palestine Begins

The League of Nations formalizes British administration over Palestine, incorporating the Balfour Declaration.

1936-1939 CE

Arab Revolt in Palestine

Widespread Arab uprising against British colonial rule and mass Jewish immigration.

1947 CE

UN Partition Plan

United Nations proposes partitioning Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control.

1948 CE

Establishment of Israel and Nakba

State of Israel declares independence; ensuing war leads to displacement of many Palestinians, known as the Nakba ("catastrophe").

1956 CE

Suez Crisis

Israel, the UK, and France attack Egypt following nationalization of the Suez Canal; conflict impacts regional dynamics.

1964 CE

Formation of the PLO

The Palestine Liberation Organization is established to represent the Palestinian people and their national interests.

1967 CE

Six-Day War

Israel fights neighboring Arab countries; gains control of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights.

1973 CE

Yom Kippur War

Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel during Yom Kippur; leads to changes in territorial control and diplomacy.

1974 CE

PLO Recognized by UN

The United Nations grants the PLO observer status, acknowledging it as the representative of the Palestinian people.

1987 CE

First Intifada

Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation begins in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

1993 CE

Oslo Accords

Israel and the PLO sign a peace agreement aiming for a two-state solution; establishes the Palestinian Authority.

2000-2005 CE

Second Intifada

Renewed Palestinian uprising leads to increased violence and tension in the region.

2005 CE

Israel's Disengagement from Gaza

Israel unilaterally withdraws its settlers and military from the Gaza Strip.

2006 CE

Hamas Wins Elections

Hamas wins the Palestinian legislative elections, leading to internal political divisions.

2008-2009 CE

Gaza War

Conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza results in significant casualties and infrastructure damage.

2012 CE

UN Grants Palestine Non-Member Observer State Status

United Nations General Assembly votes to recognize Palestine as a non-member observer state.

2014 CE

Gaza Conflict

Another escalation between Israel and Hamas leads to Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

2017 CE

US Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

The United States announces recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, leading to international reactions.

2018 CE

US Embassy Moves to Jerusalem

The United States relocates its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

2018-2019 CE

Great March of Return

Mass protests by Palestinians at the Gaza-Israel border demand the right of return and an end to the blockade.

2020 CE

Abraham Accords

Israel normalizes relations with UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco; impacts regional alliances.

2021 CE

Gaza-Israel Clashes

Escalation of violence following tensions in Jerusalem leads to widespread conflict in Gaza.

2022 CE

Renewed Peace Efforts

International community calls for renewed negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.