Islamic History Timeline

A comprehensive journey through significant events from the inception of Islam to the present day.

570 CE

Birth of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad is born in Mecca.

610 CE

First Revelation

Prophet Muhammad receives the first revelation in the Cave of Hira.

613 CE

Public Preaching Begins

Prophet Muhammad begins publicly preaching the message of Islam.

622 CE

The Hijrah

Migration to Medina, marking the start of the Islamic calendar.

624 CE

Battle of Badr

Muslims secure a significant victory against the Quraysh.

630 CE

Conquest of Mecca

Prophet Muhammad peacefully conquers Mecca.

632 CE

Farewell Sermon

Prophet Muhammad delivers his final sermon during Hajj.

632 CE

Passing of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad passes away in Medina.

632-634 CE

Caliphate of Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr becomes the first Rightly Guided Caliph.

634-644 CE

Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab

Expansion of the Islamic empire into Persia and the Levant.

644-656 CE

Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan

Compilation of the Qur'an into a single book.

656-661 CE

Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib

Civil unrest and the first Fitna (internal conflict).

661-750 CE

Umayyad Caliphate

Establishment of Damascus as the capital; expansion continues.

680 CE

Battle of Karbala

Martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali; significant for Shia Islam.

711 CE

Muslim Conquest of Spain

Tariq ibn Ziyad leads forces into Iberia, beginning Al-Andalus.

750-1258 CE

Abbasid Caliphate

Golden Age of Islam; capital moved to Baghdad.

762 CE

Founding of Baghdad

Baghdad becomes a center of learning and culture.

813 CE

Reign of Al-Ma'mun

Establishment of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

1096-1099 CE

The First Crusade

Crusaders capture Jerusalem; beginning of Crusades.

1187 CE

Salahuddin Retakes Jerusalem

Salahuddin Ayyubi recaptures Jerusalem from Crusaders.

1258 CE

Sack of Baghdad

Mongol invasion leads to the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate.

1299-1922 CE

Ottoman Empire

Rise and expansion of the Ottoman Turks.

1453 CE

Fall of Constantinople

Ottomans capture Constantinople, renaming it Istanbul.

1492 CE

End of Muslim Rule in Spain

Fall of Granada; completion of the Reconquista.

1526 CE

Founding of the Mughal Empire

Babur establishes Mughal rule in India.

1798 CE

Napoleon Invades Egypt

French campaign in Egypt and Syria begins.

1857 CE

Indian Rebellion

Uprising against British East India Company rule.

1914-1918 CE

World War I and Ottoman Decline

Ottoman Empire collapses after aligning with Central Powers.

1924 CE

Abolition of the Caliphate

Turkey abolishes the Ottoman Caliphate.

1947 CE

Partition of India

Creation of Pakistan as a separate Muslim-majority nation.

1948 CE

Establishment of Israel

State of Israel declared; beginning of Arab-Israeli conflict.

1969 CE

Formation of the OIC

Establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

1979 CE

Iranian Revolution

Overthrow of the Shah; establishment of Islamic Republic.

2001 CE

September 11 Attacks

Terrorist attacks in the U.S.; impact on global politics.

2010-2012 CE

Arab Spring

Series of uprisings across the Arab world.

1916 CE

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Secret agreement between Britain and France dividing Ottoman territories.

1917 CE

Balfour Declaration

British support for a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

1945 CE

Founding of the Arab League

Establishment of the League of Arab States in Cairo.

1952 CE

Egyptian Revolution

Overthrow of King Farouk; rise of Gamal Abdel Nasser.

1967 CE

Six-Day War

Conflict between Israel and neighboring Arab countries; territorial changes.

1973 CE

Yom Kippur War

Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack on Israel.

1980-1988 CE

Iran-Iraq War

Prolonged conflict between Iran and Iraq.

1987 CE

First Intifada

Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.

1991 CE

Gulf War

Coalition forces expel Iraq from Kuwait.

1993 CE

Oslo Accords

Peace agreement between Israel and the PLO.

2003 CE

Iraq War

U.S.-led invasion of Iraq; overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

2011 CE

Syrian Civil War Begins

Conflict erupts in Syria following Arab Spring protests.

2014 CE

Rise of ISIS

ISIS declares a caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.

2017 CE

Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

U.S. moves its embassy to Jerusalem; international reactions.

2020 CE

Abraham Accords

Normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab countries.

2021 CE

Afghanistan under Taliban Control

Withdrawal of U.S. troops; Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.